Sunday, 16 June 2013

Project 2

  For Project 2, we were required to produce a 8 to 10 minutes video on the issues that are faced by the construction industry. Project 2 is a group project. Therefore, I joined forces with 6 of my course mates. My group consists of me, Felicia Tiong, Vicky Lee, Ricky Wong, Ho Tze Hooi, Arvind and Prashani. After several meetings, we made up our mind to make a video based on the life of a contractor. We interviewed Mr.Lim, a well-experienced contractor as well as developer in order to gain more knowledge about the ups and downs of the life of a professional contractor.

  Project 2 has definitely taught me more than a handful of valuable lessons. After finishing this project, I have gained lots of knowledge about the construction industry. I have learnt the responsibilities of each and every team players ranging from contractor, engineer, architect, quantity surveyor to labors. All the team players are important and each plays a significant vital role in the construction industry. 

  Below is the link to our video. Enjoy! :) 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Project 1

Project 1(a): My Place, My Memories

Project 1(a) is an individual project. For this project, we were told to produce a collage of pictures of our hometown on an A3 size mounting board. I did a collage of pictures of Sabah, the place where I was born, raised and educated until secondary school. 

Project 1(b): Summaries of Lecture 1 and 2

Project 1(b) is a group project. I teamed up with Felicia Tiong and Ricky Wong for this project. We made a mind map based on key points of lecture 1 and 2 of Introduction to Construction Industry. This project enable me to understand the essential points of lecture 1 and 2 a lot better. 

Project 2 The Chain Reaction Installation: Rube Goldberg Machine ( Bell Ringing Machine)

My Rube Goldberg Machine:


Project 1(B) Public Service Awareness Video: Save Water

Group (Video):
Individual (Poster):

Project 1(A) Musical Performance: Onomatopoeia


Imagine that you're a famous celebrity
"If I were a celebrity"
So now you're the super famous celebrity 
"My celebrity merchandise"  

So now you're still the super famous celebrity
 "My celebrity living/work space"
Book Cover

Front Cover
Back Cover  
Front Flip
Back Flip

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Trip to Janda Baik, Pahang

 On 1st March 2013, Foundation in Natural and Built Environment January 2013 intake went on a 3 days 2 nights trip to Janda Baik, Pahang.
 The first place my course mates and I visited when we arrived at Janda Baik was Danau Daun. The Danau suite of Danau Daun is a chalet built on top of a lake. Aside from having astonishing view from the chalet, it was built from recycled materials.
  For accommodation, throughout our three days two nights trip at Janda Baik, we stayed in Teratak Malaya. Teratak Malaya is a resort located in Janda Baik. The chalets at Teratak Malaya are heavily influenced by traditional Malay architecture. Teratak Malaya isn’t just any typical stone-cold resort, it has a great diverse of flora and fauna there. There’s even a crystal clear river there. The river water was cool and refreshing. When we arrived there, we were assigned to our dorms respectively. The boys and girls lived in separate dorms.
  On the second day of our trip to Janda Baik, we visited D’daun az-zaharah orphanage centre. It is an orphanage located directly opposite Danau Daun. We went there to build a fence surrounding the pond at the orphanage in order to prevent the children at the orphanage from falling into the pond when the run and play around there. Though it was hard to work under the hot sun but it was totally worth since we learnt that being in the construction industry wasn’t only about staying in an office all day long.
  After we finished building the fence at D’daun az-zaharah orphanage centre, we went to our next destination which was D’ARK. D’ARK stands for Datuk Abdul Rashid & Keluarga which means Datuk Abdul Rashid and family in Bahasa Melayu. The villas and chalets at D’ARK are heavily influenced by Siam architecture. During my stay there, I got to see more than a handful of beautiful Siam style villas and chalets which I don’t get to see easily which I don’t get to see easily in Malaysia. My course mates and I toured around D’ARK and were given a brief about D’ARK by the person in-charge there.
  After the study trip, I have learnt that it is very important to maintain the perfect balance between the natural and built environment. We should always be environmental friendly and do not ever take the natural environment for granted. Nature is very precious.
Pictures taken at Janda Baik: